Opposing Role of Prosocial Motivation and Job Insecurity Towards Employee Thriving: Moderating Role of Workplace Incivility
Authors: M Nawaz, K S. Rana, MZ Durrani, U Tahir, SMH Shah

Organizations around the world are constantly involve in exploring different ways of maintaining and improving employee’s level of thriving. However, the question is, does learning with vitality (dimensions of thriving) really matter to enhance overall organizational performance? Thus, this study attempted to explore antecedents of thriving. No doubt workplace incivility and job insecurity are the most impacting factors that decreases the thriving level of employees, which results harmful outcomes. In line, 261 marketing and sales employees from service sector (information technology sector ie HP, DELL and BILYTICA) rated the predictors (prosocial motivation, job insecurity), outcome (thriving) and moderator (workplace incivility) of this study. Results revealed that there are opposing roles of prosocial motivation and job insecurity towards employee thriving and workplace incivility moderate their relationships.